How to Teach Your Dog to Shake and Stop Barking ?
We share our tips and advice to help ensure you get off to the right start with you new pet friend. Just like us dogs come with their own individual personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Teaching your dog to shake is a great party trick and one that is easily taught. You can even get the kids involved. We know them all. Their quirks, their perks and their funny faces. The way their eyes light up when they see you (yes, even the cats). We know all those moments when they are happy, sad, hungry or playful. The way they are so pleased to see you at the end of a long day.

Introduction to Training Your Dog
We would all love that perfect dog that is attentive, yet able to be independent and calm when required. Just like us dogs come with their own individual personalities, strengths and weaknesses.
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We would all love that perfect dog that is attentive, yet able to be independent and calm when required.